Membership Dues Increase Starting January 1st 2019
By Brent Rush, Club President
Friday - January 4, 2019 11:04 pm

Why, you ask?  Good question.  Our membership dues schedule have been at the same levels since the organization had a semi-permanent display in Westminster Mall back in 2007!  That has been a long time, twelve years.  It has been a topic of conversation at many of our board meetings and we have always just gone back to not making an increase after much debate. 

In this past April's board meeting we had a very frank discussion about our expenses, we examined all our current and projected operating expenses.  Coupling those expenses with the upcoming projects costs projections it was clear that our current dues structure could not possibly sustain the organization financially at the dues levels set in 2007.  We had to make a really hard decision regarding membership dues.  The board accepted the recommendation that we raised full membership level by $25.00.  That means full membeship dues will now be $100 annually, Junior annual membership dues remains $45.  The board elected to keep the current new membership adminstration fee at $30.  During the annual Club elections in July 2018 the full membership voted to ratify the boards recommendation to change the dues schedule staring in 2019.  . 

If you have any questions or comments please email us me at

Brent Rush
Club President
Colorado & Great Western Modular Railroad